Connected Educators A-Z: F is for Face to Face

Conferences and meetings have always been places where people could go to learn. At conferences you hear of new concepts, design new strategies, learn a skill. In today's web enriched environment though, we can do all of those things online. We attend webinars, tweet, and Linkin. We email, Facebook, skype and chat. We can learn online easily and explore topics in depth.So why attend conferences face to face?  To meet people face to face, to hear their stories, to build relationships. To quote this piece by Sr. Geralyn in the VFLR blog. If we are to provide well for the learning of today's students we need to

Broaden their vision with your understanding of their world. If that world is way beyond your knowledge, leverage some assistance from another educator.

Just listen to these young adults as they discuss the benefits of Face to Face talk below.As educators, it is important for us to discern how to best support all new and innovative venues for learning - to make online learning, educational uses of technology AND face to face learning the best it can be!As powerfully as the tools of today can provide learning and forge connections, face to face gatherings can deepen our learning and partnerships.An upcoming conference is planned in Philadelphia and is hosted by Powerful Learning Practice. The agenda is packed with inspiring speakers and collaborative opportunities for educators. This can be just the place to talk with connected educators from all over the world.Having the opportunity to meet and greet innovative and passionate educators does not come along every day.  I'm happy to be part of the planning team for this conference. I look forward to connecting with other educators there - face to face!PLP Live 2012 - Friday September 28 - Philadelphia


Connected Educators A to Z: G is for Grants and Funding


Connected Educators A to Z: E is for Evaluation